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wisdom literature meaning in Hindi

wisdom literature sentence in Hindi
विचक्षण साहित्य
wisdom    पांडित्य
literature    रचना विद्या
1.The verse also had parallels in the wisdom literature of the period.

2.Wisdom literature is a genre of literature common in the ancient Near East.

3.The " Alexander romance " also had an important influence on Arabic wisdom literature.

4.Her current research is focused on the configuration of desire in Israelite wisdom literature.

5.Later scholars and philosophers also would embody concepts from the wisdom literature, or Sebayt.

6.Her work has particularly focused on the Dead Sea Scrolls, wisdom literature, and apocalyptic literature.

7.After publishing " Understanding Wisdom Literature " he turned his attention to the Qur an.

8.In Wisdom literature and in the wisdom tradition, " wisdom " is described as feminine.

9.It belongs to the broad family of wisdom literature, which expresses general truths about the world.

10.The genre of Islamic and Western Renaissance literature, represents a secular cognate of biblical wisdom literature.

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any of the biblical books (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus) that are considered to contain wisdom
Synonyms: sapiential book, wisdom book,

How to say wisdom literature in Hindi and what is the meaning of wisdom literature in Hindi? wisdom literature Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.